Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tour Day 6 - 9/10/12

(This is Amanda again!)

Today was one of our more busy days - but definitely not the busiest!

We started out at Maranatha Academy  and spoke there once to the high school assembly. They were receptive and seemed to like us.  That was our first time dealing with Canadian money, so that was definitely interesting. I didn't realize they have two dollar coins. :)

After Maranatha we trundled off to UMEI (Which stands for something, but I've forgotten what - sorry!). Our van is very heavy laden with books right now, and that created an interesting story on another day (9/11) which I'll tell you about then.

We spoke to one group of classes at UMEI.

No, they weren't invisible. They're just not here yet.

The school was large and quite interesting. It felt very old, and one had to take the stairs to get to almost anywhere in the building. They were in the oddest places, but I found it quite cool.  I would have taken pictures of them, but I felt kind of conspicuous walking around with a camera, so I didn't.

The students were attentive and well behaved and seemed interested in the talk.

Keeping track of books sold (Inventory, you know)

Then we drove off to our next event  - a book store.

On our way to and from UMEI we drove by farm after farm after farm, and many of the farms had these cute 'Honor Stands'. They had produce out for sale with little locked boxes - trusting customers to pay for the produce they picked out.

We haven't had apples in months, and we noticed apple trees by the road, so we looked for a stand with apples - but mostly they had potatoes and peppers and such. Finally, when we were leaving the town, we stopped in a gas station and a man had a stand set up there (He was there, too) and he had all sorts of fruit and vegetables all fresh from his farm.

We picked up some raspberries and some apples. They were quite good. He had nectarines, peaches, and grapes as well, but I don't think those would travel in the van well. The raspberries won't either, but they fit in the cooler. :)

When we were finished with that short stop we continued on to our next event, which wasn't for another few hours.   We had a signing at a book store at 7  for a 'Librarians' Tea'.  The store had church and school librarians from all over come out to see the store's new products and to hear us speak. My dad did most of the talking, of course. He usually does. He has more to say than I do. :)

The librarians were great to talk to and they asked plenty of questions and purchased lots of books!

We didn't finish there until late and were quite happy to get to our hotel that evening.

1 comment:

  1. The two dollar coins are called Toonies. Just wait till you travel across Saskatchewan! You'll see farms and farms and farms and farms! Can't wait to meet you guys. Safe travels and God bless.
